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Instant Alerts & Driver Activity Reports

Is a Driver Excessively Speeding? Did a Vehicle Enter an Unauthorized Location?

Rely on TrackingHAWK GPS alerts and reports to help monitor driver performance and keep business costs down. When you need to take action, TrackingHAWK will give you accurate driving reports.

GPS Maximum Speed Alerts

Maximum Speed

Speeding can result in accidents and aggressive driving, adding up to increased maintenance costs. Monitoring speed allows you to take action towards improving safety, reducing fuel consumption and eliminating poor driving.

Time Tracking

Time Tracking

TrackingHAWK tracks arrival/departure and stop duration times, giving you a frame of reference for when you need to confirm employee’s timesheets.

GPS Activity Reports

Activity Reports

The most commonly used, the activity report gives a comprehensive look into the activity of a vehicle or group of vehicles. The report shows when and where the vehicle started moving, for how long, how fast and the distance traveled. In addition, it shows when and where it stopped and for how long. All in one easy to read color coded report. Set up your landmarks and the reports will show not only the address but what that address means to you.

GPS Perimeter

High Priority Locations

Set a perimeter around priority locations and customers to really increase your level of customer service. You can even call customers with accurate ETA’s once you have been notified when your driver has entered the proximity.

If you have an upset customer or a job that needs to be visited by end of the day, stay in the loop and have peace of mind that the driver has reached the destination.

GPS Geofencing Violations

Geofencing Violations

Geo-fencing means setting a virtual barrier so that when a device enters the defined boundaries, you receive a notification.

Concerned your drivers are going home when they should be working? Wondering if your business vehicle being used for personal errands? Take desired action and prevent your assets from being misused.

TrackingHAWK Gives You the Whole Picture

Review activity from the start of the day to the last stop, monitor driver behavior, set alerts and get the info you need to stay connected to your mobile workforce.